First Peach Training


  The first Peach training at Blackhat finished today and it wassmaller-sign a blast.  This first class had about 18 people in it writing fuzzers for PNG, QuakeWorld, Yahoo! IM Client, and Quicktime.  Everyone learned allot, we found a number of bugs, and we are planning on many improvements to the error messages and debugging of Peach fuzzers based on this first class.

Tomorrow starts is the start of the second class, hopefully it will be just as fun as the first.

Thanks to everyone who signed up!

~ by meddington on January 30, 1999.

2 Responses to “First Peach Training”

  1. Congrats on the training. I heard a lot of good things about your course from at least 3 people. Maybe I’ll have to hire you to come out and give us a hands-on Peach course. :)

    Great to see you at BH. Too bad we didn’t catch up more. You’re one of the few folks that anytime I get to pick their brain I always walk away with some darn good new ideas to pursue. Excluding the ones you try to plant that would get me into trouble. Peace man,

  2. To Michael Eddington:

    I took this class but I’m trying to work on some networking stuff for the Quake exercise… I have it validating three of the packets, but not the “final” connection… it terminates with a “\x0” but I have a default of “0” (which I thought is equal lol) plus, I’m having problems finally publishing (initiating connection through the network) and stuff.

    How can I contact you? Could you email me… and maybe I can get you my quake.xml file to review?

    Awesome tool.

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